Service Package

If you decided to correspond with the woman, or want to read letters from girls, you need to log in to your account and buy POINTs.

You can check our price-list to know prices.

But if you are watching many videos or send many QUERIES, and also want to get discounts for buying POINTs and participate in bonus programs, you need to buy Service Package.

Service Package will not allow you to have unlimited correspondence with girls, what you get is as follows:

  • Watch 20 - 240 video Russian women you like for FREE every month of the Service Package.
  • Send 10 - 120 FREE QUERIES to Russian girls of your interest every month of the Service Package.
  • Open 10 - 120 FREE Introduction letters of Russian girls of your interest every month of the Service Package
  • Get a 2% - 11% DISCOUNT fee for multiple purchase of POINTs.
  • Send longer letters then non-subscribers.

We offer the following terms of the Service Package:

1 (20 video, 10 queries, 10 first letters)
+2% to the POINTs you buy
Send letters up to 11000 symbols
3 (60 video, 30 queries, 30 first letters)
+3% to the POINTs you buy
Send letters up to 12500 symbols
6 (120 video, 60 queries, 60 first letters)
+5% to the POINTs you buy
Send letters up to 15000 symbols
ONE YEAR (240 video, 120 queries, 120 first letters)
+10% to the POINTs you buy
Send letters up to 20000 symbols

* Please, note: Service Package at our site DOES NOT mean unlimited corresponding. Being a subscriber you will still have to pay for using our e-mail forwarding system, i.e. for reading/writing letters through our web-site.

* We highly recommend Service Package to those clients who are interested in watching video of Russian brides: with buying a month Service Package you get the possibility to watch 20 videos for free, which would normally cost 1000 POINTs; plus 10 FREE queries that normally cost 250 POINTs. The longer Service Package term you take, the less one video and QUERY cost you: with buying one year Service Package you get 240 video which makes one video cost 45 POINTs!

* Your memebership is registered the day you pay and ends 1-3-6-12 months after this date. If you do not manage to use all QUERIES and watch all video free during the time of your Service Package they will expire. However, if you prolong your Service Package before the expiration date, you will save unused QUERIES and videos.

Our subscribers can send longer letters for the cost of 100 POINTs:

  • Our 1-2 months subscribers get 10% discount for "over-limit" symbols, i.e. they can send letters of 11000 symbols for 100 POINTs.
  • Our 3-5 months subscribers get 25% discount for "over-limit" symbols, i.e. they can send letters of 12500 symbols for 100 POINTs.
  • Our 6-11 months subscribers get 50% discount for "over-limit" symbols, i.e. they can send letters of 15000 symbols for 100 POINTs.
  • Our 12 months subscribers get 100% discount for "over-limit" symbols, i.e. they can send letters of 20000 symbols for 100 POINTs.

To write women and read their replies through our e-mail forwarding system will cost you as usual 100 POINTs for a letter, but you can make one letter cheaper using our offer for subscribers and get additional POINTs for any purchase of POINTs:

  • Our 1-2 months subscribers get 2% of the bought POINTs to the account;
  • Our 3-5 months subscribers get 3% of the bought POINTs to the account;
  • Our 6-11 months subscribers get 5% of the bought POINTs to the account;
  • Our 12-23 months subscribers get 10% of the bought POINTs to the account;
  • Those who have been our subscribers for 24 months and more get 11% of the bought POINTs to the account;

* For example, you currently have 1 month Service Package active subscriber and buy 1000 POINTs, you receive 1020 POINTs to your account - you get +2% already from the amount you buy! If you are our subscriber for 12 months and buy 1000 POINTs, you already receive 1100 POINTs to your account, and get +10% on this purchase!

Correspondence Package:

If you are not going to buy POINTs in bulk and want to correspond with ladies, you should consider buying the package of correspondence. You buy a package of 3 letters + 3 replies or 5 letters + 5 replies thus making one letter cheaper. Please, note: correspondence package does not include reading a letter of introduction from the lady. To read a letter of introduction, that is first letter a lady sent to you, will cost you usual 15 POINTs.

We offer the following Correspondence Packages:

3 letters + 3 replies$34
5 letters + 5 replies$52

Chat Package:

We offer you our new package of service - online chat minutes.

This package will suit those customers who are more interested in online chat than in writing letters. Usually, you pay for online chat in POINTs. Each minute of chat costs you 9.6 POINTs for a text chat, 19.2 for a video chat with one web-camera on, and 28.8 when both lady's and your cameras are turned on.

We offer the following Chat Packages:

MinutesCost of 1 minutePrice

* Please, note: No additional bonuses or discounts are applied.

You can proceed to an order page from here if you want to add funds to your account or become a subscriber.

If you are registered - you will be asked to login, if you are not registered - you will be asked to register.

You can pay using your credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover, Diner's, JSB) or e-check. We also accept off-line payments: if it would be more convenient for you, you can pay by money transfer. Always contact us for details if you prefer to pay us with Global Money Transfer EVEN if you sent money by Global Money Transfer before. Do NOT send money by Global Money Transfer for or Hanuma Net Ltd, we will not be able to receive it. You should ask for the name of the person who will be picking up the money. Besides, you can pay directly from your bank account to ours, for this kind of payment chooses bank-to-bank wire transfer.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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