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I do not consider myself an extraordinary person, only special in the right eyes and who knows how to listen while maintaining a good conversation. I consider myself as an outgoing, funny, passionate person, capable of loving myself in order to love another person. I like animals, I like nature. I like good company and of course the peace of mind that they can offer. I exercise, I go to the gym every day and it`s for my self-esteem, I like to take care of myself and I like to eat healthy (although sometimes I break my diet) and that doesn`t mean I`m not disciplined. I hope to find a good person who dares to connect with me in a spiritual, physical and emotional way, I hope that you, who is reading this, can write to me and get to know us!
41 - 70 years old
I am looking for my lover, best friend and passionate in my life, who is not afraid of limits and who wants to explore new things by my side, we can be the best complement between the two of us, would you like to discover everything we could achieve together? I am going to be here
veronica decides to die
candle light
be sincere and happy
the sincerity
I'm not sure
of curse
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